** During the first few weeks of availability, there has not been much use of the lap lanes. During lap hours lane ropes can be requested from the lifeguards who will install them upon request. **
New this summer, in response to resident request and interest, we will be offering 2 lanes for lap swimming during a few of our open hours. During June we will monitor use to determine the future of the program. If you are interested in lap swimming opportunities, use the lanes or email us to provide feedback on the program.
If using the lap lanes, please observe the following rules/courtesies:
1) If you use the lane, please be swimming, not sitting/floating/waiting.
2) If both lanes are being used, please be willing to share the space.
3) If 2 swimmers are in a lane, discuss and agree if you will split the lane (each swimmer uses half, staying on the same side of the lane both down and back) or circle swim (each swimmers stays to their right both down and back)
4) If 3 or more swimmers share the lane, circle swimming is required.
5) Please do not try to swim more than 3-4 people per lane.
6) Do not hang or pull on lane lines.
Lap Swim Hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday 8-9pm (last open hour)
Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday 10-11am (first open hour)
During these hours recreational use is still available in the remaining pool area with the exception of the diving board which will be closed during lap swim.
If there is significant interest and use of these lanes, we will consider expanding available hours and/or number of lanes.