Always a bridesmaid but never a bride is the caption that best describes June 2023 SPHOA YOTM winner. Congratulations to Peggy and Mike Kelly of 3142 Mesquite Drive who are the winners of this month’s HOA YOTM. They are no strangers to the pool of nominees for this award, always in the winning pool but never the winner. So, when I contacted Mr. Kelly, his response was my wife and I were so shocked we never thought we would win. This is a true testament that perseverance pays off. Both are happy homeowners in Settlers Park for many years and are happily retired. When asked what they do on a daily basis, Peggy stated I watch a lot of cooking and baking shows on television and when she gets ready, she bakes a pie or cooks something. Mike says he walks for exercise around the neighborhood, and he speaks to whoever will listen and talk to him. It is his way of connecting with neighbors. Together they enjoy working in their yard (garden). Peggy shared that Mike’s love for gardening came from his mom who also loves gardening. That love is evident in Peggy’s and Mike’s yard as their garden, and landscape overcame the freeze that destroyed most of their plants but with a bit of TLC, it is hard to tell there was such damage. They both said with each day a few hours at a time they have nursed their garden and landscape to a winner’s circle for the SPHOA YOTM prize and bragging rights.