Congratulations to Settlers Park/Grove Yard of the Month winners for July 2023, Danny and Michele Hart of 3602 Green Fields Drive. The Harts are no strangers to the Settlers Park/Grove community as they have lived in this same house for over twenty-five years. The Harts maintain a well-groomed lawn with an added touch of flowering plants and bushes, shrubs, and trees along the front, sides, and back of their home. The couple is happily retired and like many maintaining their yard is a favorite pastime. When asked what their secret for such a beautiful yard is, Michele replies, her husband who all his adult life has spent more time in the yard than time spent with her. Danny did not object as they both shared a laugh. She also added that Danny has always had a love for flowers and boosted a large photo collection on his phone. Michele stated that Danny has more pictures of his yard, plants, and flowers than that of his grandchildren who he loves more than his plants and flowers. Needless to say, Michele who is into arts, crafts, and scrapbooking is committed to putting together a scrapbook of Danny’s many photos of their yard. While the front yard is well maintained it has nothing on their back yard. As an added bonus we were treated to a tour of the Hart’s backyard, what I would call a rainforest in the middle of Settlers Park/Grove community. Like other YOTM winners, the couple received a gift card for $100 from Home Depot and a sign which will be displayed in their yard until the next winner is announced. The SPHOA vice president and social committee coordinator congratulated and thanked the couple for their continued efforts to make the community look better.