What you need to know
Storm debris does not need to be trimmed down or bundled.
Normal green waste procedures do not need to be followed for storm debris.
Trees, stumps, tree branches, tree trunks, lumber, fence panels, and roofing materials can be placed at the curb as they are and will be collected.
To assist our contractors in moving to new zones in the city, we could use the help with neighbors combining small debris piles, into one large pile of vegetation debris, which includes limbs and trees only. This will reduce the amount of time it takes the contractor to set their equipment from pile to pile.
While debris collection is happening, please note that there will be different debris collection trucks for each pile vegetative debris, construction and demolition debris and refrigerators/freezers.
Please keep the roadway clear of vehicles.
Keep a safe distance from the workers and refrain from interrupting them during their tasks.
Placing items at the curb
Place these items at the curb at least four feet from other objects.
DO NOT place items on or in the street.
Debris should not be stacked below low hanging power or utility lines or within four feet of mailboxes, water meters, fire hydrants, or any above ground utility.
Only debris placed at the curb will be eligible for collection. As a reminder, storm debris will be collected by the emergency debris removal contractors and bagged green waste will be collected by Republic Services on your scheduled green waste day.
Separate your debris!
Residents are required to separate the debris into individual piles as described: Green Waste in clear or translucent bags or reusable containers (leafy material, grass clippings, etc.)
Vegetative Debris (tree stumps, tree branches, tree trunks and brush).
To assist our contractors in moving to new zones in the city, we could use the help with neighbors combining small debris piles, into one large pile of vegetation debris, which includes limbs and trees only. This will reduce the amount of time it takes the contractor to set their equipment from pile to pile.
Construction and Demolition Debris (damaged components of buildings and structures such as lumber, fencing, and roofing materials).
How to separate debris

Sugar Land, Texas Department of Emergency Management Beryl Recovery Debris Removal