Location: 3010 Settlers Way Blvd.

Tennis Courts
Tennis courts are for personal use only unless excepted below and are accessible to residents with active access cards.
2 cards issued per family (Initial cards are free, replacement of lost cards is $25 per card)
Cards are reused continually and will not be re-issued unless lost/cancelled with the above replacement fee (old cards are always deactivated when lost)
Property owners only; renters may request cards through their property owners
Request Access Cards
Unauthorized use of the courts by Leagues will NOT be permitted and will lose access.
Swimming Pool
25-Yard pool with diving board, slide & baby pool. Open (Exception): Memorial Day/Labor Day. Pool Access Cards Required: 4 people admitted per card ONLY when presented by an adult. Teens ages 13-18 may enter with a card but may not admit guests. Kids12 years & under MUST be accompanied by an adult 18 or over. 2 cards issued per family (Initial cards are free, replacement of lost cards is $25 per card) Cards are reused each year and will not be re-issued unless lost/cancelled with the above replacement fee. Property owners only; renters may request cards through their property owners.
2024 Pool Schedule, Hours of Operation, and Staffing:
May 25th through May 28th
Mondays through Fridays Closed
Saturdays 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Sundays 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Monday, May 27th (Memorial Day) 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
May 29th through August 4th
Mondays Closed
Tuesdays through Saturdays 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Sundays 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
August 5th through September 2nd
Mondays through Fridays Closed
Saturdays 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Sundays 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Monday, September 2nd (Labor Day) 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
The pool is also used outside of open hours by a summer SHRSL team - First Colony Gold - from May to July, and by a USA Swimming affiliated team - First Colony Swim Team - from Aug to April.

Hours: Between 8am and 10pm By Reservation - Full Day Rentals Only
Costs: $100 Rental Fee plus $75 Cleaning Fee (professionally cleaned prior to use)
$250 Security Deposit Required
Check the Clubhouse Use Calendar for up to date availability information.
1-Room clubhouse with kitchen area available for rental including a limited number of folding tables and chairs. Rental requests should be made no less than 2 weeks prior to the rental date. Current availability can be found on our Clubhouse Use Calendar. For additional information or to schedule a rental contact Clint Seay at cseay@cmctx.com (713-772-4420).
Access Cards
Two cards will be issued per address (Initial cards are free, replacement of lost cards is $25 per card).
All old cards will be deactivated when new cards are requested/issued.
Cards are re-used each year and will not be re-issued unless lost/cancelled with the above replacement fee
Property owners only may request cards; renters may request cards through their property owners
As of April 2021: please complete our online request form Once you complete the form, please hit submit and the form will automatically upload. The assigned CMC representative will process the request and notify residents when the card is ready. It will automatically goes to the creative management representative who manages the cards.